The Swiss Lambretta Club

The Swiss Lambretta Club is an association based on the federal law of Switzerland with board, statutes and residence in Bern. The postal address of the association is:
Swiss Lambretta Club
CH-3000 Bern


New members are welcome at any time! The annual membership fee is CHF. 50.-- and is due for the first time in the year after joining. The year of the accession is consequently FREE!


Anyone who is a proud owner of a Lambretta is invited to enrol here: Subscribtion form.


The goal of the Swiss Lambretta-Club is the intensifying of the relations among the Lambretta-owners.
The club organises events and activities (ride outs, participation at jamborees, part-markets and social events) in order to exchange ideas, spares and good advice.



    The members of the board
  Martin Böni
  Felix Grubert
  Dominique Bohr
  Barbara Riser
  Ebi Bosshard
  Daniel Gasche (webmaster)
  Hans-Jürg Moser

      Ernst Gamper

Regional representatives
Region 1: Northwest and Jura:
Region 2: East and Graubünden:
  Ernst Gamper
Region 3: Aargau:
  Felix Grubert
Region 4: Romandie:
Region 5: Central and Ticino:
Region 6: Bern:
  Hans-Jürg Moser
Region 7: Zürich:
  Eberhard Bosshard
  Barbara Riser
  Felix Grubert
Webmaster & Blog:
  Daniel Gasche